Passenger & Baggage Services

From passenger support at the check in counters to boarding and disembarking – Our services are set up to meet all your ground handling needs and aim to provide friendly and competent service using latest systems and applications: Cute platform and application, Amadeus ALTEA, GONOW, A.S Connect, Sabre, and CRANE

  • KIOSK check-in with baggage drop
  • Web check-in.
  • Mobile check-in
  • Baggage drop area.
  • Bar-coded boarding passes
  • Self-Service Lost &Found for reporting of lost baggage
  • Baggage services Interactive Voice response and automated SMS
  • World tracer for baggage mishandling.
  • Call center services.
  • Automated SMS.
  • World Tracer Tablet.



Rapid and trouble-free baggage handling is one of the key functions of MEAG’s baggage services section. With the huge number of pieces of luggage handled on a daily basis and with the help of our modern baggage handling and security technology (Baggage Reconciliation System​ (BRS)) , we efficiently process departing, arriving and transfer baggage within minimum time frames.



  • Check-in Services
  • Arrival and Transfer Services
  • Special care Services
  • Boarding Activities
  • Ticketing /Sales Desk



Since the aviation industry nowadays is witnessing a huge growth in the number of passengers and an equal obligation to reduce costs, the area of technical solutions have become a necessity that Ground handlers cannot ignore. This is why MEAG have already implemented the following: